A Big “Thank You” to
Mark and Christie Weprin
The annual Kickoff Party is in our rear view mirror and was a great success thanks to the outstanding hospitality of Christie and Mark Weprin and of course to all of the 50 or so in attendance. The food was in abundance and so was the giving. The silent auction raised $740 in addition to $2,310 in donations making a total of $3,050 in donations for the evening. Thank You All!
With donations we have received to date we are over $4,500 in donations for this year. Thank you to all of you that have gotten your donation in early. We have a long way to meet the goal of $16,000! We are providing 85 baskets this year for the Tewa elders. According to the Tewa Community Center Director, the elders are very much looking forward to our visit and have a surprise planned for us. I have found out over the years that you cannot just go into a grocery store, even Walmart, and pick of 85 pieces of a specific item. So I am out diligently shopping, ordering and spending money to get everything here on time. So, now is the time to get your donation in! I mentioned this last year. If it is at all possible please make your donations by check. When you make your donation online through PayPay, they take 2.5% to process a donation. We keep our expense low to just 5%, the amount that Cornucopia charges for the accounting for our account, which is a great deal. Thank you Cornucopia Community Advocates for taking us under your umbrella.
The First Mesa Elementary Coats4Kids coat drive is off and running. Over 70% of the 106 coat ornaments have been picked up. If you have not done so drop by Webers IGA or Natural Grocers and pick up your ornament today!
We will be staging this year’s event at a new location, so pay attention or you will be going to the wrong location. This year we will be staging at 2020 Contractors Road, Unit #6. Contractors Road is the first left when you head up Coffee Pot Dr, and the building is the first one on the right. You can’t miss it. I want to give a big shout out to Bill and Jean Holman for donating the space for us to stage in this year. Thank you Bill and Jean. I have updated the 2013 Schedule Events to reflect the change in location.
I have talked to La Posada and they have told me as of this date they have 24 rooms available, IT IS NOT TOO EARLY TO CALL AND MAKE YOUR RESERVATION, LAST YEAR THEY WERE FULL. Call La Posada at 928-289-4366 to reserve your room.
To make a donation: You can go online to Cornucopia Community Advocates or mail a check to Randy Crewse made out to Cornucopia Community Advocates and mailed to Randy Crewse at P.O. Box 479, Sedona, Az 86339. If you go online to Cornucopia Community Advocates, CLICK ON “MAKE A DONATION”…and to scroll down until you see the Tewa Holiday Project, then click on that.
As always I can be reached by email or on my cell phone at 928-300-7141
Randy Crewse
Executive Director
Tewa Holiday Project